When it comes to comparing root canals to dental implants, it is important to look at several different factors. This is why we suggest seeking out a dentist who will look at your specific dental needs and talk about all the different options with you. We are going to be looking at the difference between […]
Why Do Kids Fear the Dentist?
At Radiance Family & Cosmetic Dentistry we strive to create a positive and encouraging environment for your child, we understand that not every kid is excited to come to the dentist. Sometimes it is the unknown, a poor past dental experience, or something negative that someone said to them in regards to going to the […]
Keeping Teeth Clean When You Have Braces
Do you have braces? Do you want to keep your teeth clean and healthy while they’re in them? Keeping your teeth clean when you have braces isn’t as hard as it may seem. Brushing, flossing, and rinsing are essential for oral hygiene with or without braces – but there are some extra steps that need […]
How To Make Teeth Brushing For Kids Enjoyable
Do you have kids that just don’t want to brush their teeth? Brushing your child’s teeth is a necessary part of taking care of them, but it doesn’t always feel like fun. Fortunately, there are some ways to make the experience more enjoyable for everyone involved! In this article we’ll explore how to make teeth […]
The Causes of Tooth Decay and What You Can Do To Prevent It
Did you know that the health of your teeth is similar to a system of checks and balances? The pH of your mouth must remain balanced because an acidic pH can lead to decay and the breakdown of your tooth’s enamel. There is also a system of checks and balances among the bacteria within your […]
9 Ways to Stronger Teeth Enamel
There are many ways to try to avoid cavities. One that you may have heard of before is to stay away from sugar. We all know that the likelihood of eliminating sugar altogether is not quite realistic. You don’t actually have to give up all sugar and fun treats to have healthy teeth. Even being […]